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My Goal is to bring change to this Union that benefits our membership, gets us back to our roots, and improves our benefits, work conditions, and higher pay for all our brothers and sisters.  


My first Goal, if elected is to build the National Executive Board back into a Board that is productive and can move forward resolving issues for our membership.  Part of my reasoning for deciding to run is the simple fact that after the 5 Center upgrade/not upgrade announcement myself and several others from my facility emailed the board and asked them to unite and send out a statement from the whole NEB to solidify that they all believe in working towards getting the 5 Centers upgraded.  Our ask wasn't even making promises, just the fact of putting in writing that they would all work towards doing what they are elected to do as one moving forward.  While several members of the Board have had telephone discussions with me and some of the union members who wrote them as well, the board as a whole still will not make a statement together.  This shows the level of dysfunction at the NEB level and the lack of doing the basics of what they are elected for.


I will work towards exploring any and all options to increase our pay whether through traditional CBA means, limited openers, or additional premium pays or subsidy's.  We are in a sad state when people are leaving the FAA to go to the DOD, overseas Air Traffic jobs, or other private sector jobs because the work/life and pay are better elsewhere.   We are the busiest, most complex Airspace in the world and our benefits and pay do not currently reflect that.


I am not a politician and will not be playing some of the same games the current candidates are playing.  I am blunt and to the point most of the time, to a point that sometimes it becomes a roadblock, but have been working on it.  I have no intentions of attacking other candidates personally or slandering them to attempt to get your vote.  I am not running to be your friend, start a career in politics, or for personal gain, to be honest quite the opposite.  I am running to bring change and make a difference knowing that I am sacrificing my time with my family, staying 6 months past my retirement eligibility, and away from my home for 3 years if you elect me.  But to be candid, I believe as we currently sit there has to be change, we are at a point of failure if things don't change.


With the current candidates we have, as members you are either going to vote for the people who could have already brought change and have been elected or assigned at the national level to do so over the past few years or you are going to vote for change by someone who hasn't been in those positions the past few years and hasn't been blinded by the ineptness the past decade. 


Every single candidate for EVP except me, have been involved heavily the past several years and in a position to bring the change that they are attempting to promise you now.  The only promise I make is if elected we will not remain status quo and I will do everything in my power to improve our Union in its entirety.


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